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Faire un don
Sports mécaniques
Etien Kantar Božič - TenTen #559
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Etien Kantar Božič – TenTen. Sem 12 let star voznik minimota iz Lucije. S svojim minimotom sem naredil prve metre ko sem imel vsega 5 let in od takrat strmim za enimi sanjami – voziti svetovno motociklistično prvenstvo MotoGP. Od svojega 6. leta aktivno dirkam v slovenskem in italijanskem državnem prvenstvu ter na dirkah evropskega prvenstva. Tudi letos me med 18. in 20. septembrom čaka evropska dirka v Italiji (Adria) in z njo povezani stroški. V kolikor imate možnost in željo pomagati, bom zelo hvaležen za vsak doniran evro, ki mi bo pomagal na poti do uresničitve svojih sanj.

Etien Kantar Božič – TenTen. I am a 12 years old mini moto driver from Lucija, Slovenija. I made my first meters with my own mini moto bike when I was only 5 years old and since then I have only goal – to race in the MotoGP World Championship. Since I was six (6), I have been actively racing in the Slovenian and Italian national championships and in the European championship races. Even this year, from Septemberer 18 to Septemberer 20, the European championship race in Italy and the associated costs are waiting for me. If you have the opportunity to help, I will be very grateful for every euro donated that will help me on my way to realizing my dreams.



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